Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The ANCYL and the rape of our youth « One Man's Opinion Blog

The ANCYL and the rape of our youth « One Man's Opinion Blog: "“The African National Congress Youth League humbly requests the Public Prosecutor, Adv Menzi Simelane to drop criminal charges against the three Jules High School learners for what was initially reported as rape,"

Friday, March 25, 2011

Soldiers all… « One Man's Opinion Blog

Soldiers all… « One Man's Opinion Blog: "In 1996 the South African army was still busy integrating the SADF and the MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe) into the new South African army called the SANDF. Bitter enemies now had to work side by side. The MK was not too clued up on the South African’s weapons, yet Mandela wanted to show the world that our country still had a viable defense force."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Natural Disasters.. .not so natural at all « One Man's Opinion Blog

Natural Disasters.. .not so natural at all « One Man's Opinion Blog: "One cannot avoid all the hype around the earthquakes and floods. All the loonies and religious nuts climbing out of the woodwork screaming, “The End of Days”, “God’s punishment” and a lot more hogwash. Perhaps they should read, “You reap what you sow.” ?"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Friday, March 18, 2011

Think Pink « One Man's Opinion Blog

Think Pink « One Man's Opinion Blog: "After my Note about Older Woman I was in a firefight of some intensity, both on my facebook page and via messages! The idea that I have a romantic/soft side was brandished so, lets go the whole way and put it in the open. I am not scared, neither am I ashamed."

Setting Personal Boundaries « One Man's Opinion Blog

Setting Personal Boundaries « One Man's Opinion Blog: "Something that confused me, oh shit, I spend most of the time confuzzed…. Anyhow, this particular confusion was that people would push and push me, (the nice quiet and sober Wayne) then when they found themselves sitting on the floor from a, oh the other kind of Klap, they would state their shock at my, “sudden anger.”"

Origin of the Mexican’s Name « One Man's Opinion Blog

Origin of the Mexican’s Name « One Man's Opinion Blog: "In order to get some credibility with ones troops one has to do something even the best of them cannot. The fact that they were all about my size and smaller gave me an idea. The Russian Light Machine Gun (LMG) weighs around 13 kilograms unloaded, it is a belt feed weapon and the long belt takes 200 rounds of 7.62 mm ammo at a rate of at least 750 rounds a minute."

The Rule of Law « One Man's Opinion Blog

The Rule of Law « One Man's Opinion Blog: "“The actual number of white civilians killed during the Mau Mau uprising was 32, …..”

And the whole civilized world shat itself. Excuse the language. Google it if you do not believe me. Now in my country, South Africa, they ignore a much worse situation

The amount of farmers, white, being killed on a weekly basis often surpasses this figure."

An Autistic Routine « One Man's Opinion Blog

An Autistic Routine « One Man's Opinion Blog: "Anyhow, years back when I was living in Fish Hoek, I saw this man and his mother at The Excalibur, he is autistic. His mother seems the only one able to communicate with him on some level. His mother and he come here still. All those years back him and I just seemed to “click”. He remembered me! I know because after smiling at me he asked his mother to buy me a beer……"

The Ecosystem Package for Shrimps « One Man's Opinion Blog

The Ecosystem Package for Shrimps « One Man's Opinion Blog: "Yesterday we concentrated mainly on the shrimps, today perhaps we should think about the Ecosystem Package, without which the shrimp simply would not exists. The shrimp is a relatively simple little creature and easy to please — if one knows how. :}"

The Vital South African Dictionary « One Man's Opinion Blog

The Vital South African Dictionary « One Man's Opinion Blog: "A
abba – Carry a child secured to one’s back with a blanket. From the Khoi-San.
amasi (pronounced um-ah-see) – A popular drink of thick sour milk. From the isiZulu. An alternative name is maas.
ag (agh) – Generally used at the beginning of a sentence, to express resignation or irritation, as in: “Ag no man! What did you do that for?”"

Recognizing Evil People, the worst of all Energy Vampires. « One Man's Opinion Blog

Recognizing Evil People, the worst of all Energy Vampires. « One Man's Opinion Blog: "A Gypsy….. I travel a lot, in these travels I end up in strange places and meet many people. A few are good, a lot are bad but a very small amount of them are really evil. Unfortunately I have met those too. Now, the unwashed masses tend to believe that evil looks evil; in my experience the exact opposite is true. Some of the meanest looking and acting people I know, they would scare the bejesus out of said ”unwashed masses”, are the warmest most kind hearted people around. If you let them be."

How to end the Rhino Poaching « One Man's Opinion Blog

How to end the Rhino Poaching « One Man's Opinion Blog: "This is why I believe the animals are doomed.

The biggest problem by far is the general public and their naïve view and gullibility. The next problem is the organizations that are supposedly doing something about it. Not all but it would seem a fair amount. The third would be corrupt officials."
Rules vs Principles « One Man's Opinion Blog